See below for minimum memberships organized by goal
Local Goals
Goal - Show in a schooling show
* NO memberships required
Goal - Show in a recognized show
* USDF group or participating membership (owner, rider, trainer)
* USEF membership (owner, rider, trainer)
* USDF horse identification
NOTE: when you join a local organization (ex. Oklahoma Dressage Soceity, you automatically receive a USDF Group membership)
Goal - Earn western dressage lifetime achievement points
* WDAA annual membership
* Register for the program with WDAA
Regional Goals
Goal - Regional championships (Houston)
* USEF membership (owner, rider, trainer)
* USEF horse registration (annual or lifetime)
* USDF Participating membership (owner, rider, trainer)
* USDF horse lifetime registration
National Goals
Goal - USDF rider awards (ex. bronze medal)
* USDF participating or group membership
Goal - USDF Horse or the Year and All Breeds
* USDF participating membership
* USDF horse lifetime registration
Still have questions?
Please do not hesitate to contact Stacia.
She is happy to answer your questions.
Stacia Wert-Gray